Monday, 23 September 2013

Vincent van Gogh: the art, the inspiration

The Supina culture is resplendent with art, and with people doing art, anytime of the day. And held in especial honour are the works of Vincent van Gogh.

Here we are, painting interpretations of some of his most famous works. But what is it about van Gogh that draws us as creative people, observers of not only his art but of his life?

Dawn Supina writes:

"One could write volumes on the merit of Vincent van Gogh's art. His passion, the fluidity of brushstrokes, simplicity of subject matter, the movement of his work, his humanity, etc. But how can you not love this person? :
“What am I in the eyes of most people — a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person — somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then — even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart. That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything, based more on a feeling of serenity than on passion. Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me.”  ~ Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890"

Vincent van Gogh has inspired many others with his art. Don McLean, for example, wrote an entire song based around the painting "Starry Night":

"Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They did not listen, They did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now..."

Here's a link to the whole song. If you've never heard it, quite beautiful:

Interesting historical note: there are alternate theories of how van Gogh's death actually came about:

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